Questions and Answers

I made the payment but website not activated

Don't worry we will contact you once the payment is confirmed, for immediate response you can call us on 886 1116 321 Mon to Sat 9am to 8pm IST.

Can you setup & design my website

Yes, We will be happy to assist you, once payment is done contact us for support and activation, if needed

Do you have tech support & is it free

Yes, We give you the tech support 365 days & for Free

What does it mean to be billed annually?

An annual billing cycle covers the cost of an entire year of the service in a single yearly payment.

How Do I Check My Fast Delivery ?

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The E-Commerce 3.Click On Reports 4.Click On By Fast Delivery 5.Select The Date 6.Click On All Status 7.Click On Search

How To View Location Reports ?

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The E-Commerce 3.Click On Reports 4.Click On By Location 5.Select The Date 6.Click On All Status 7.Click On Search

How To Check Product Reports ?

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The E-Commerce 3.Click On Reports 4.Click On By Product 5.Select The Date 6.Click On All Status 7.Click On Search

How To Buy SMS Pack ?

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The User Menu 3.Click On Manage SMS 4.Click On Buy SMS 5.Select Your SMS Pack 6.Click On Buy Now

How To Change Style Top Selling

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Top Selling Select Design 1/2/3/4/5 And Off/On 4.Click On Save

How To Change Style Best Deals

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Best Deals Select Design 1/2/3/4/5 And Off/On 4.Click On Save

How To Change Style Featured Products

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Featured Products Select Design 1/2/3/4/5 And Off/On 4.Click On Save

How To Change Style Deals Of Day

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Deals Of Day Select Design 1/2/3 And Off/On 4.Click On Save

How To Hide Home Page Content

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Status Off/On 4.Click On Save

How To Change Style Shop By Brand

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Shop By Brand Select Design 1/2/3 And Off/On 4.Click On Save

How To Change Style Shop By Category ?

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Shop By Category Select Design 1/2/3 And Off/On 4.Click On Save

How To Change Style Search Bar ?

1.On Your Dashboard 2.Go To The Manage Home Page 3.Click On Design 1/2/3 And Off/On 4.Click On Save

How to Create a Business Email Address ?

1.Go To The Dashboard 2.Click On Manage Emails 3.Example: Name@Domain Name & Password 4.Click Create Email

How To Create/Add Staff/Admins ?

1.Go To The Dashboard Setting 2.Click on Staff/Admins 3.Click Add Staff 4.Enter The Details of the person you want to add. 5.Click Add Staff

How To Create a New Pages ?

Go To The Manage Pages Setting Click on Add New And Create a New pages

How To Change Headers & Footers ?

Go To The Manage Pages Select Your Preferred Header/Footer Style From The Options

How To Add Manage Blog ?

Go To The Manage Blog Setting Click Add Youtube Video And Click Add Blog Create Image Blog

How To Change Header/Footer Color Theme ?

Go To The Manage Page Setting Click Change Color Theme

How To Check Leads/Appointments

Go To The dashboard Setting Click Leads/Appointments & Check

How To Create a Categories ?

1.Go To The E-commerce Setting 2.Click On Manage Category 3.Add New Category 4.Select Parent Category 5.And Select in HomePage Yes/No 6.Click Add

How To Add Product/Services ?

1.Go To The E-commerce Setting 2.Click On Product/Services 3.Click On Choose Files 4.Select Category 5.Type Product Name 6.Enter The Quantity, MRP, Cost Price, or Discount 7.Click Save

How To Check Orders & Billing ?

Go To The E-commerce Settings Click Orders/Billings

How to add logo ?

Go to the setting button then click choose file and upload the logo

How can i set my own SMTP setting for to send mails

Just go to Site Sitting and Update the your SMTP details.

How many pages i can create.?

You can create unlimited pages

how much will it cost for reseller account ?

The cost for reseller account is absolutely ZERO but you have to request BIGWELT for activation. If processed by them you will have to recharge for 10000 which will be added in your wallet. That money will be usefull for future purchase benefits of your website.

can i create website & sell it to others???

Yes, you can create websites & sell it to others. But you have to purchase seller account.

How many blogs can i create ???

You can create unlimited blogs in your website & earn.

can i add my own google adsense ??

Yes, you can add your own Google adsense & the money which you earn through that, will go to your account.

how much do you charge for all these optionsd & benefits which you have mentioned ?

The charge is just Rs.1000/- annually which no other company provides you with all these options.

how many imgaes can be added for each product?

You can add as many as you can. but, its better to add limited for good performance.

Can i have bolg & shopping cart both in my website ?

Yes, you can have your own blog & shopping cart in the same website itself.

what are the things that require to start this business ?

the requirements are Internet facility, laptop, desktop, tablet or atleast a moblie phone to start the business & earn.

Can i start this business with mobile is it???

Yes, this is the last option if you have mobile you can start the business & earn.

Can i add my own products & sell it to the customers ?

Yes, you can add end number off your own products & sell it to customers around the globe.

Can i earn money with this website ?

Yes, Sure you can earn, as you have many options to earn from this website.

How many catagories i can create ?

You can create unlimited catagories there's no limit.

How long it will take to deliver the products

Shipment will be delivered as per the Turn Around Time mentioned below: Zone A: Within the same city – 2 working days Zone B: Within the same state – 3 working days Zone C: Metro to metro – 3-4 working days Zone D: Rest of India – 4-5 working days Zone E: Northeast & Jammu and Kashmir – 6-7 working days Surface Shipment - 7-8 working days